Explainer videos for Anheuser-Busch InBev

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a Belgian transnational beverage and brewing company, with over 2000 beer brands produced and sold throughout the world. The flagship brands are Stella Artois, Brahma, Beck's, Corona, and Leffe. Being a major player in the global beverage market, InBev strives to lead the way towards more environmentally friendly, sustainable way of making beer.

To create a series of short animated videos highlighting the key environmental issues that InBev is addressing: agriculture, climate, packaging, water.

The whole range of different techniques were used to create the videos. First of all, the storyboards, and then later - fully developed scenes were hand drawn by an amazing team of illustrators at Nucco Brain. Informed by the illustrations, various 3D models were produced, scenes were built in 2.5D, giving the videos the sense of depth and perspective. Creative angles made the peace particularly difficult to animate, walk cycles especially took a great deal of skill and patience to pull off!

I was working on Agriculture and Packaging videos, here are the scenes I've worked on:
In addition to the above I made all of the “liquid” transitions and elements used throughout the video series. They were all hand drawn, frame by frame in Adobe Animate.

Few completed videos:
The videos were created while working for Nucco Brain studio in London.
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